Taking firm steps forward on a path charted out with a vision of benefits for generations, Hayat embraces the motto "We treat life well" to preserve the colors of our blue and green planet!
At Hayat Holding, we adopt a business model in line with sustainable development goals. We monitor our performance through environmental, social and good governance indicators, and we consider achieving the targets we set in these areas as our main success.
Best R&D Center Award
Hayat launched Turkey's first R&D center in the hygiene industry in 2012 and was granted the Most Successful R&D Center Award in the Industry in 2015 by the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.
Innovation Champions
Kastamonu Entegre ranked among the top 3 in 2022 at the biggest meeting of the innovation ecosystem InovaLIG in our country and has been awarded 3 years in a row and strengthened its place among the innovation champions of Turkey.
Pioneers of R&D
Hayat ranked 74th and Kastamonu Entegre ranked 85th on the list of top R&D spenders in Turkey in 2021. A total of 109 researchers work at Hayat Kimya R&D Center and 27 others at Kastamonu Entegre R&D Center.
Patent Licenses
Hayat has eight patents registered in 59 countries and a total of 52 patent applications; Kastamonu Entegre, crowns its innovation-oriented works with 2 registered licences, 3 registered utility models and 13 invention applications.
European Union Projects
Hayat implements new technology and business models for sustainability with three innovation projects supported and Kastamonu Entegre is implementing new technologies in the field of digitalization and circular economy with 6 projects supported by the EU.
Academy-Industry Cooperation
HAYAT 17, Kastamonu Entegre supports 14 PhD students in a bid to contribute to transfer of the scientific knowledge of the academy to the industry and transform it into economic value.